As a writer, my role is to always realize your vision and goals.
We work together, starting with draft materials or from an original concept. We have conversations throughout the process to discuss the overall goals, intended audience and purpose, sources and resources for content and the shape and process of the project.
We will likely sit down several times for interview sessions that I will guide toward the achievement of your goals. We set interim goals and a timeline to break a long process into achievable segments. After reviewing drafts of content together, we will seek peer reviews if appropriate.
“In short, whether Jo was helping with research, writing or editing, she made me a better communicator!”
If you have produced a manuscript draft and want feedback on how to improve the book for your audience, I can be your developmental editor.
By carefully reading the manuscript, I offer developmental analysis of your treatment of the subject: organization of chapters, lacking or extraneous information, overall flow of logic and reasoning, reader response to tone and style, documentation of sources, efficacy of transitions, introductions and conclusions among other impressions.
I also offer notes on smaller considerations of word choice and sentence and paragraph construction. Developmental editing brings the project to final manuscript content stage.